West façade, Palazzo del Te (Alison Syme slide collection, FADIS database)
Images List
A History of Western Art/Laurie Adams. Tempietto, San Pietro in Montorio, exterior view. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/ Web. Accessed 20 November 2017.
Alison Syme slide collection. Palazzo del Te, Mantua (Palazzo Te), aerial view from west. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin
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Alison Syme slide collection. Palazzo del Te, Mantua (Palazzo Te), detail of dropped triglyph, west facade. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/ Web. Accessed 28 November 2017.
Alison Syme slide collection. Palazzo del Te, Mantua (Palazzo Te), detail of east façade. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/ Web. Accessed 20 November 2017.
Alison Syme slide collection. Palazzo del Te, Mantua (Palazzo Te), facade. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/ Web. Accessed 20 November 2017.
Alison Syme slide collection. Palazzo del Te, Mantua (Palazzo Te), west courtyard facade. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin
/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/ Web. Accessed 30 November 2017.
Alison Syme slide collection. Palazzo del Te, Mantua (Palazzo Te), west entrance with dropped keystone. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/ Web. Accessed 20 November 2017.
Anonymous Artists. "King Matthias Corvinus (1458-1490). Published 3 June 1488." ARTstor. http://library.artstor.org.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/asset/BARTSCH_5010014. Web. Accessed 20 Nov 2017.
Białostocki, Jan. “Courtyard with Hercules fountain, after reconstruction, Visegrád, Matthias Corvinus’s castle.” The Art of the Renaissance in Eastern Europe: Hungary, Bohemia, Poland. Oxford: Phaidon Press Ltd, 1976. Print.
Białostocki, Jan. “General view of the ruins of Matthias Corvinus’s castle at Visegrád.” The Art of the Renaissance in Eastern Europe: Hungary, Bohemia, Poland. Oxford: Phaidon Press Ltd, 1976. Print.
Białostocki, Jan. “Hercules and the Lernaen Hydra, group from the Hercules fountain in Matthias Corvinus’s castle, Visegrád.Visegrád, Museum.” The Art of the Renaissance in Eastern Europe: Hungary, Bohemia, Poland. Oxford: Phaidon Press Ltd, 1976. Print.
Białostocki, Jan. “Panel from the Hercules fountain with Corvinus’s coat of arms, 1484-5, Visegrád, Castle.” The Art of the Renaissance in Eastern Europe: Hungary, Bohemia, Poland. Oxford: Phaidon Press Ltd, 1976. Print.
Budapesti Történeti Múzeum. “Balustrade from the Royal Palace of Buda, c. 1480-1490, Budapest.” Matthias Corvinus, the King: Tradition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court, 1458-1490 : Exhibition Catalogue : Budapest History Museum, 19 March 2008-30 June 2008. Budapest: Budapest History Museum, 2008. Print.
Budapesti Történeti Múzeum. “Cross window from the Royal Palace of Buda, last quarter of 15th century, Budapest.” Matthias Corvinus, the King: Tradition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court, 1458-1490 : Exhibition Catalogue : Budapest History Museum, 19 March 2008-30 June 2008. Budapest: Budapest History Museum, 2008. Print.
Budapesti Történeti Múzeum. “Fragments of maiolica floor tiles with burning throne motif from the Royal Palace of Buda, Budapest.” Matthias Corvinus, the King: Tradition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court, 1458-1490 : Exhibition Catalogue : Budapest History Museum, 19 March 2008-30 June 2008. Budapest: Budapest History Museum, 2008. Print.
Budapesti Történeti Múzeum. “Reconstructed fragment of a maiolica pavement with the emblems of Matthias Corvinus and the House of Aragon from the Royal Palace of Buda, c. 1480-1490, Budapest.” Matthias Corvinus, the King: Tradition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court, 1458-1490 : Exhibition Catalogue : Budapest History Museum, 19 March 2008-30 June 2008. Budapest: Budapest History Museum, 2008. Print.
FA slide collection. "Florence, Santa Maria Novella, aerial view." FADIS, http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/,19. Web. Accessed 20 November 2017.
Digital Image Library: Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective. "Florence Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore),Aerial view looking northeast " 2009. FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/ Web. Accessed 20 November 2017.
Gilchrist, Scott. "Santa Maria Novella: Frontal view the front façade, on center axis. 1998. Florence." FADIS. http://fadis.library.utoronto.ca/cgi-bin/WebObjects/FADIS.woa/2/wo/aeZxW3cm746FJzBB8i9n2M/,21. Web. Accessed 28 November 2017.
MNM Mátyás Király Múzeum. “Renaissance column from the Royal Palace of Visegrád, Visegrád.” Matthias Corvinus, the King: Tradition and Renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court, 1458-1490 : Exhibition Catalogue : Budapest History Museum, 19 March 2008-30 June 2008. Budapest: Budapest History Museum, 2008. Print.
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